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[探索频道] 逆龄小鼠:脱发、皱纹可能有救了


黄金会员 - 等级≥学政

 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-11 11:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
皱纹和脱发是伴随着人类衰老的明显变化。Keshav Singh的研究团体在最近一期的Cell Death & Disease里发表了一项关于逆转衰老的研究。他们发现在小鼠中,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)缺失导致的皱纹和脱发可以通过抑制POLG1突变的共表达来实现,这一显性负突变能够导致组织内线粒体DNA的减少。虽然这个研究仍在早期阶段,其重大意义在于建立了线粒体DNA和衰老的体征之间的联系,这种联系可以通过恢复线粒体DNA水平得到逆转。这为衰老相关病症的治疗带来了广泛的可能性。
线粒体是细胞内产生能量的细胞器,又称“细胞的发电厂”。 过去研究发现,线粒体功能障碍会引发很多疾病,其中大部分与线粒体氧化磷酸化(OXPHOS) 功能失调相关。细胞通过线粒体中的OXPHOS过程,利用酶氧化营养物质,并产生大量三磷酸腺苷(ATP)作为能量的主要来源。在衰老的过程里,线粒体总体功能的衰退被大量报道。此外,线粒体的功能失调(通常会引起线粒体DNA减少)也会引发其他潜在的衰老相关病症,比如癌症、柏金森病和阿尔茨海默氏症。
为了研究线粒体DNA在衰老和各种病症里的作用,Keshav Sing的团队建立了一种小鼠模型,可以通过控制线粒体功能所需伽马聚合酶的表达与否,从而产生线粒体DNA缺失小鼠。有意思的是,皱纹和脱发这些和衰老有关的早期重要特征也恰恰出现在有线粒体功能障碍的小鼠中。而最更令人深思的是,研究人员发现如果恢复伽马聚合酶的功能,线粒体功能障碍就可以得到逆转。
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion is involved in mtDNA depletion syndromes, mitochondrial diseases, aging and aging-associated chronic diseases, and other human pathologies. To evaluate the consequences of depletion of mtDNA in the whole animal, we created an inducible mtDNA-depleter mouse expressing, in the polymerase domain of POLG1, a dominant-negative mutation to induce depletion of mtDNA in various tissues. These mice showed reduced mtDNA content, reduced mitochondrial gene expression, and instability of supercomplexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) resulting in reduced OXPHOS enzymatic activities. We demonstrate that ubiquitous depletion of mtDNA in mice leads to predominant and profound effects on the skin resulting in wrinkles and visual hair loss with an increased number of dysfunctional hair follicles and inflammatory responses. Development of skin wrinkle was associated with the significant epidermal hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases, and decreased expression of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor TIMP1. We also discovered markedly increased skin inflammation that appears to be a contributing factor in skin pathology. Histopathologic analyses revealed dysfunctional hair follicles. mtDNA-depleter mice also show changes in expression of aging-associated markers including IGF1R, KLOTHO, VEGF, and MRPS5. mtDNA-repleter mice showed that, by turning off the mutant POLG1 transgene expression, mitochondrial function, as well as the skin and hair pathology, is reversed to wild-type level. To our knowledge that restoration of mitochondrial functions can reverse the skin and hair pathology is unprecedented.

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