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[英文] 《L.T.'S Theory Of Pets》作者: - Stephen King 【EPUB】

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发表于 2013-7-4 16:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK. by Stephen King. Jim Norman's wife had been waiting for him since two, and when she saw the carpull up in front of their apartment building, she came out to meet him. She hadgone to the store and bought a celebration meal - a couple of steaks, a bottleof Lancer's, a head of lettuce, and Thousand Island dressing. Now, watching himget out of the car, she found herself hoping with some desperation (and not forthe first time that day) that there was going to be something to celebrate. He came up the walk, holding his new briefcase in one hand and four texts in theother. She could see the title of the top one - Introduction to Grammar. She puther hands on his shoulder and asked, 'How did it go?’ And he smiled. But that night, he had the old dream for the first time in a very long time andwoke up sweating, with a scream behind his lips. His interview had been conducted by the principal of Harold Davis High Schooland the head of the English Department. The subject of his breakdown had comeup. He had expected it would. The principal, a bald and cadaverous man named Fenton, had leaned back andlooked at the ceiling. Simmons


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