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[英文] 《Judgement 》作者:- Kristine Kathryn Rusch 【EPUB】


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发表于 2013-6-24 07:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Judgement by Kristine Kathryn Rusch Tyrone stopped in front of the statue of Hans Sachs which had somehow survived the bombings.The buildings around it had all been destroyed. No matter how hard Tyrone tried he couldntremember what they had been. The remains of a wall two stories made of stone suggested achurch but so many buildings in Nuremberg were made of stone that his impression was probablywrong. The air smelled of dust and beneath it the faint hint of rot. He clutched his cameraas he sat on a pile of rubble the debris loose beneath his feet. He had known Sachs although the man did not look like his statue. The statue portrayed arobust figure draped in robes and wearing medieval garb. The curly hair was right but theartist failed to capture the thick brown tangles and the beard was too neat too well-trimmed. Sachs had been too busy to be tidy. Sachs _Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg_. Amazing that Tyrone had forgotten Sachs. Sachs afterall had been the one to lure him away from the forests and hills of his own people hadsomehow started his strange romance with humans and led to this moment four centuries and athousand lifetimes later. Tyrone couldnt even remember what he had called himself in thoseearly years. It hadnt been his own name --the magical never let anyone discover their truename. It gave others too much power. Now he was calling himself Tyrone Briggs although most ofthe people he encountered insisted on calling him Ty a habit he hated but never decried. Hetried not to complain about anything American. He had learned after the First World War thatnot even Americans were safe from the kind of unreasoning patriotic fervor that made a man witha slight accent and an aversion to being called Ty suspect. But those days were long past justlike that war was long past. This one was finally past too but only by a few months. And he hadnt expected to find himself on his native soil for the first time in forever. Thestatue had not been here for all of those centuries. Hans Sachs would have been surprised tosee it. _Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg_. Tyrone shook his head. How had he forgotten thatmoment when hed hidden in the trees and watched Sachs fiddle with his lute trying to findthe right words to go with a new melody one that captured the exact sound of the wind in theleaves Tyrone had thought it a new magic even though his father --a slight man with ears so pointedthey poked through his long black hair --claimed it was no magic at all. _You are fooled bysomething that is not there. Humans only appear to have depth. They are fickle and violent andterrifying creatures. They will be the death of you_. But they hadnt been the death of Tyrone. He had not become mortal and they had not discoveredhim. He had passed for generations. So many generations in fact that Tyrone had come to thinkof Sachs not as the man he knew but as the title character in Wagners opera _DieMeistersinger_ the opera that had always been performed


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