Kristine%20Kathryn%20Rusch%20-%20Fit%20To%20Print.html[2012-10-13 12:04:30] First , let me give you t he st ory as I report ed it . From t he Sunday edit ion of The New York Times, June 29, 1997: Myst erious Fire Dest roys Oregon Town Frank But ler Special Correspondent Port land, Or. June 27, 1997. Fift een people died as fire dest royed t he sleepy hamlet of Bonner Bay on t he Cent ral Oregon Coast . The fire, which began in a hot el nort h of t own j ust aft er midnight yest erday, quickly became an inferno t hat raced down t he t own' s main road, leaping from roof t o roof. Resident s sought shelt er in caves on t he t own' s nort h end. The caves, accessible only on t he beach in low t ide, provided a safe haven for nearly 3, 500 people. 揥e' re lucky t he t ide was out , Mayor Rut h Anderson said. 揥e' re lucky t he fire burned out before t he t ide came in. / p> Expert s believe Bonner Bay' s locat ion at t ribut ed t o t he fire' s quick spread and it s quick end. Bonner Bay was built on a four - mile- long rock ledge bet ween t wo cliffs. Wit h t he ocean t o t he west , and t he Coast Mount ain Range t o t he east , Bonner Bay was isolat ed |
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